Nic sitting on a wall in a blue jumper enjoying a cup of team, reading her book On The Mic.

How to keep a happy and healthy voice on holiday

Going on holiday? Lucky you. It can be hard to keep your voice happy and healthy on holiday. You might be exposed to more heat, air-condition and have an epic change in routine due to all the lols you’re having. Don’t fret, I’ve popped a few tips to make sure your vocal health stays in tip-top shape even if the only thing you’re planning to do is float around on a lilo:

Hydration for a happy and healthy voice on holiday.

Extra heat means sweat (yum) and travel often mean air con which can dehydrate your body and voice, so please watch your fluids. Keep a bottle of water next to your bed, set a reminder on your phone to prompt you or even start a fun family competition to see who can drink the recommended amount of fluids each day! Check out episode 5 of The Voice Coach podcast here for more hydration tips that won’t cause a family feud.

Sun lounger semi-supine!

If you’re on a beach, by the pool or lounging in some way, sneak in a few minutes of breath awareness and body scan to release tension! Try lying in semi-supine or with your legs on a chair. Lovely stuff. A simple thing but so key for keeping your voice happy and healthy. You can download a free 8-minute body scan audio track for your holiday playlist here. Pop it in after your Ibiza Chill-Out mix and before your Getting Ready for Hotel Karaoke playlist.

Ninja hums for a healthy voice!

You know that satisfied hmmm sigh you make when you relax? That’s very good for your voice! So let ’em out. Sitting by the pool? Hmm. Flopping on a lounger? Hmm. Enjoying a nice brew in a cafe? Hmm. Let the lips tingle, the breath flow and enjoy a glorious release of tension. 

Note any diet changes…

Eating later cos you’re having loads of fun, trying new foods or generally eating more (*waves a guilty hand) can lead to a wee bit of acid reflux which might have an impact on your voice so pack that Gaviscon advance, try not to eat midnight chips every day and, yep, stay hydrated.

You’ve taken your voice on holiday, bloody enjoy yourself, ok?!

There’s nowt better for keeping your voice happy and healthy than time off and a bit of the auld craic (aka fun). So, let loose, have fun and come back refreshed and raring to go. 

I’ll be on the Yorkshire coast at the seaside for a wee bit doing exactly that. Relaxing, swimming in the sea (yes, it’s cold but apparently that’s very good for you these days…) and attempting to beat the record for How Many Times a Person Can Have Fish & Chips In One Week. Pray for me. If you’d like to know how I do, make sure you pop your name down to receive my newsletter The Fold here.

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