As they say in Accent Method Breathing; “If in doubt, breathe out!”
And I do literally mean let all the air that’s in there come out again. It’s so easy to make voice training all about the in breath. That is the fuel to help you make the sound in the first place. But if you’re eagerly working towards a free and supported voice, thinking about the out breath can be really powerful.
If you let the breath go, the in breath will happen in some form. You just have to let the out breath…out! Once you learn to let go, you can learn to let it in in the most efficient way and out in the most supported way.
So as you travel through each day, notice if you have a tendency to hold the breath. If you do, each time you notice just say to yourself, oi mate, let it go. This awareness building is key to any vocal improvements. You need to tune in to your own breath pattern.
Try it now, let that breath out and then the breath for a little bit. How does it feel?