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Our podcast turns one year old this week, and we are celebrating! We’ll start our celebrations with an interview with Dane Chalfin we aired on The Voice and Accent Hub. Dane is a Vocal Rehabilitation Coach and Singing and Voice Teacher, a dear friend, and my first ever voice teacher. 

Today, in the first part of our interview with Dane, we defuse some myths around foods and drinks that affect our voicing, and we explore the differences between voice warmups and workouts. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

– Truths vs. myths about how chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine affect our voice

– What is behavioural and what is woo-woo around eating habits and voicing

– For how long we should warm up our voice, and the four things warmup should do for us

– Dane’s take on image-based methodologies

– What is Dane’s opinion on support, and why does he believes SOVTs aren’t one size fits all

Stay tuned for the second part of our interview with Dane, where we touch on the ageing voice, post-pregnancy voicing, what we should do when we are all stuffed up, and Dane’s opinion on straws in voice training. 


– Dane Chalfin website

– Join the Voice and Accent Hub

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