Mark James voiceover client story for nic redman

Mark James - Client Story


Mark is a voice actor and singer based in Yorkshire, UK.

How did you feel before we started working together? Did you have any specific problems or issues? What were you struggling with? What worries did you have?

My biggest issue prior to working with you was having confidence in being myself and promoting my accent. I felt I should water it down for a larger audience but that left me all over the place not really knowing what I was! Confidence in delivery of the text was also something I wanted to work on.

How did you feel after the course was finished?

As a result of our sessions my outlook has completely changed. You helped me realise that there’s a market for my accent and it’s ok to be a niche. ‘Feck em’, I think we agreed….

What specific result did you see as a result of us working together?

I’m now much more focused on my direction in the industry and it’s easy to set goals as I know where I want to be. I’m using the techniques we covered in nearly every job now and approach my work in a different way.

What did you like best about the experience of working with me?

Working with you is fun, extremely informative and very laid back. Our ‘dancing’ session brings a smile to my face every day lol

What would you say to someone considering working with me?

Just get it booked! Working with Nic is THE best thing you can do to gain a much deeper understanding of how to get the best from your voice. There is no better investment if you earn a living with your voice.

If you’d like to experience some of the wonderful things Marc has working with me, take a look at what I offer here…