BJ Harrison voiceover client story for nic redman

BJ Harison - Client Story

Audiobook Narrator

BJ is an audiobook narrator and host of the long-running The Classic Tales Podcast. He’s an Independent Audiobook Award Winner and has narrated and produced over 650+ titles for Indies and Publishers.

How did you feel before we started working together? Did you have any specific problems or issues? What were you struggling with? What worries did you have?

Nic helped me find the blank spots that were eluding me in my RP accent. She was like a surgeon for my accent woes. She was able to diagnose the problem spots, and give me the tools I needed to make it right. 

How did you feel after the course was finished?

Better. Much more confident. I mean, it’s going to take me years to really “perfect” it, but Nic’s expertise and incisive coaching really helped me to level it up. 

What specific result did you see as a result of us working together?

I can “hear” the trouble spots so much better, now. The sounds in my accent that are/were off are much more obvious to me. That’s, like, hardwired in.

What did you like best about the experience of working with me?

Nic’s on-demand wealth of information. I feel like I could ask anything, and she had a deep well of information about any and all aspects of getting your voice where you wanted it to go – from the technical side of accents, to the physiology of the voice itself, to the craft of VO. I could ask her anything, and she had volumes of information at her fingertips. 

What would you say to someone considering working with me?

Find a way to do it! Listen to her podcasts, and you’ll see how competent she is. If you want to level up in VO or accent work, Nic will get you there. 

Nic Redman microphone

If you’d like to experience some of the wonderful things BJ has working with me, take a look at what I offer here…