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Celebrating our 30th episode, we will learn about balancing the resonance. We will start with a quick voice warmup, and then we will perform some explorative exercises that will help us access resonance qualities and learn to balance them. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

– What balancing the resonance means and how it can help us develop our voicing

– How to perform a five-minute voice warmup

– Why it is essential to increase our resonance potential

– Practicing simple yet effective exercises to balance our resonance

Our ultimate goal as voice users is to keep our audience engaged. Therefore, learning to properly balance our resonance, and having access to our resonance potential will give us the tools to bring variety and expressive potential to our voice. 


– Ultimate Voice Getaway information

– Linklater voice work

– Ep 27 – How to encourage resonance through tension release

– Ep 26 – WHat is vocal resonance

– The Voice and Accent Hub

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