How to keep a happy and healthy voice on holiday

Going on holiday? Lucky you. It can be hard to keep your voice happy and healthy on holiday. You might be exposed to more heat, air-condition and have an epic change in routine due to all the lols you’re having. Don’t fret, I’ve popped a few tips to make sure your vocal health stays in […]
3 reasons why online voice coaching online is better than in-person

Online coaching is so hot right now, from yoga to business, cooking to voice! It’s easy to focus on the things you could be missing when you take classes online. Fear not, friend! Here are 3 reasons why online voice coaching is better than in-person. If you’ve got a question about how voice classes work […]
How to do ‘dry January’ right for optimum vocal health.

Dry January?! No ta. Staying good and moist is what you want for a voice that is free, expressive and easy. If you’re struggling with how to stay hydrated for optimum vocal health, try these three tips: It’s that easy. But for more tips on how to stay hydrated for optimum vocal health, check out […]
How to warm up your voice for podcasting

Need to know how to vocally warm up for podcasting? Never fear! Here are my top voice tips to help you warm up your voice for podcasting even if you’re a total newbie. Start with the whole body and get moving! Have a jump around, jiggle your arms and legs and generally do something […]