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This week, following our voice plans for this year, we’ll go through five questions to reflect on in 2022 to help us achieve our vocal goals. Setting and writing down these five questions can be used as a guide to be aware of what we intend to do with our voice this year and how to accomplish that. What You Will Learn In This Episode:

– The importance of acknowledging what we like about our voice as it is at this moment

– Being aware of what we need from our voice this year based on what we want to achieve

– Deciding what areas, from the ones we’ve been working on, are interesting to explore further

– Why it would be useful to have a coach or mentor to help us upgrade our voicing abilities this year 

– How much time we can dedicate to our voice this year 

Going through these questions is an interesting way to commit to our goals and plans for this year. The only non-negotiable from these five is how much time we’ll spare to work on our voicing – there is always time somewhere in our day and we must find it. 


– Join me for New Year New Voice free training 

– Join the Voice & Accent Hub

– Susana Conway – Unravel Your Year 2022: 

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